Flowmeters - Small Series for General Purpose

Flowmeters for General Purpose Applications - Small Series

These are variable area meters with a spring biased semi-circular vane that opens wider with more flow.  They are installed in-line and in any position.  Straight pipe runs, before or after the meter, are not required.  The simple mechanical connection directly drives pointers, switches and transmitters.

Flow rates are from 2 to 75 LPM (0.5 to 20 GPM).

Model SN - Maximum liquid pressure 300 PSI.

Model SM - Maximum liquid pressure 500 PSI. 

Model SH - Maximum liquid pressure 2000 PSI.

All flowmeters are individually calibrated for fluids with the viscosity you specify (Up to 3000 SSU/650 Centistokes).

Please see the attached data sheet or contact our sales staff for further information.

Additional Info

  • Additional Information: See data sheet
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